Sunday, June 24, 2007

Important Store Hours Update

Due to an obligation that I had signed up for prior to opening the scrapbook store we will be closed on June 30- July 7. This is a ministry trip that I had already committed myself to and hope that everyone will understand. Please mark your calendars. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Phyllis, I think that shows who you are even are a lady of ministry to others. You have been a godsend to all of us scrappers in Abilene!! I can't wait to return from Colorado in October and get even more connected to Krazy Kreations. I am looking forward to getting my June kit to make while I am here in Colorado. I can't wait until I am home to be at the classes for all of the kits.

God bless you as you go on your mission!! Be safe!!

Gayle Taylor
P.O. Box 3099
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147