Crop Schedule:
March2 Fri 6:00pm-12:00am
March3 Sat 10:00am-6:00pm
March9 Fri 6:00pmm-12:0am
March 10 Sat 10:00am-3:00pm
March 16 Fri 6:00pm-12:00am
March 17 Sat 10:00am-6:00pm
St. Patrick's Day Sale: (Everything green will be 10% off)
March 23 Fri 6:00pm-12:00am
March 24 Sat 10:00am-3:00pm
March 30 Fri 6:00pm-12:00am
March 31 Sat 10:00am-3:00pm
Class Schedule:
March 10th, Sat. 3:00pm-6:00pm DISTRESSING CLASS
Come and learn how to improve the look on your pages by using inks, tearing, crumbling and various techniques to alter paper and new designs. This class is for beginners to advance scrapbookers.
Make a 2 page layout bring your basic supplies
FEE for CLASS $10.00 Call to reserve your spot!!
March 24th, Sat. 3:00pm-6:00pm EGG ALBUM
Make your Easter Holiday complete with this cute egg book!!! Everything included except your basic supplies-adhesive, cutter, and etc. You don't even need your perfect pictures add them later. If you have time drop in the shop and see the example. You don't want to miss this class!!! This class is for beginners to advance scrappers.
FEE for CLASS $12.00 must call to reserve your spot!!!!
March 31st, Sat. 3:00am-7:00pm GAMEBOARD ALBUM
This class will fill up quick so call for your spot!!! This class is recommended for intermediate to advance scrappers. What better way to store your memories than with your family's favorite game board. For example, SCRABBLE, MONOPLOY, CHECKERS, THE GAME OF LIFE, CLUE, ETC., whatever you want just bring your game board and everything else is supplied. However if you have any special embellishments from your game bring them, you never know what you might use. Bring your Basic scrapbooking supplies, cutters, including inks for distressing maybe in other words bring all your bags.
This cute book is a must see at the store come by or call to sign up.
FEE for CLASS $25.00 CALL 677-CROP!!
We are going to have a Weekend Retreat APRIL 27-29. Let's kick off NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK WEEK with a BANG!! More Details to come. However you must register prior to March 31 and pay a $50.00 non-refundable deposit. If 28 scrappers sign up total cost for the weekend will be $100.00 which will include meals and some snacks. If less than 28 scrappers cost will be $125.00. So, call a friend and spread the news about our great getaway!!! Oh, yeah we are going to Millers Retreat it is about 35 miles south of Abilene. Not too far if you get homesick HA!HA! Call us with a credit card or come by toreserve your spot!! 677- CROP
You can email me with questions at
I know all of you just like myself has tons of unwanted stuff in your scraproom. Like they say Your junk is someone else's treasure. Yes, we are having a scrap sale(Garage Sale). Call for details and be watching for updates. April 21 is the day so start pulling all of your unwanted or left over stickers, embellishments, tools, bags, cutters or whatever it may be. Put it all in a box and wait for your instructions. Call or email any with any questions.
Just another note before I sign out!!!
The BIG PRIMA FLOWERS are in!!!! I will put an update on the blog with photos!
1. Julie Fair 6. Reanel Hebert
2. Sophia Garza 7. Marsha Hamilton
3. Karla Morgan 8. Sandy Booth
4. Jamie Reyes 9. Staci Boren
5. Pam Hagen 10. Linda Slabaugh
I am so proud of all these ladies and the beautiful layouts they have done for the store. I know we have only just begun to create and display the talent of these ladies. Thanks again Ladies!!!!
Excited to hear from you all!
Phyllis Grubb
Woo Hoo, love this blog!
Okay I got the big flowers and love them. Not as much as the store but do love them
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